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10 Best Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods | Irregular Periods Reasons

Read this blog to know about the Best Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods, Irregular Periods Reasons and answer to How to Overcome Irregular Periods Naturally…………..

A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary from woman to woman.

Your periods are still considered regular if they come every 24 to 38 days. Your periods are considered irregular if the time between periods keeps changing and your periods come earlier or later.

However, there are treatment options available for irregular periods. These treatment depends on finding out what is causing Irregular Periods.

These include remedies you can try at home to get your cycle back on track. Apart from these home remedies there are also some products manufactured by Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Brands about which we will learn in last section.

But, first look at Irregular Periods Reasons and Best Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods in the following section.

Irregular Periods Reasons

Most of the time, irregular periods are part of the normal changes that can happen when you're a teen. As you get older, your cycle will probably settle into a recognizable pattern.

  • Sometimes, irregular periods can be caused by some medicines, too much exercising, having a very low or high body weight, or not eating enough calories.

  • Hormone imbalances can also cause irregular periods. For example, thyroid hormone levels that are too low or too high can cause problems with periods.

  • Some girls have extra androgen, a hormone that can cause hair growth on the face, chin, chest, and abdomen and which causes PCOD/PCOS. Extra androgen can also makes girls gain weight and have irregular periods.

Note: Girls who are pregnant also will not get their periods. Therefore, it is highly recommended to talk with your doctor about the reason for irregular periods before getting the treatment.

How to Overcome Irregular Periods Naturally

Following mentioned are some of the ways for How to Stop Periods Immediately Home Remedies.

Maintaining a healthful lifestyle can help reduce the risk of some of the causes of irregular periods.

This include:

  • Exercising regularly or doing meditation

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

  • Reduction of stress

  • Following a healthful diet

Apart from these Foods for Periods one can also try some medication treatment if the condition is not improving even after trying Home Remedies for Irregular Periods and Fertility.

One of the Best Irregular Periods Medicine Name marketed by an Infertility Products Manufacturer in India is Myolife Plus about which we will discuss in the last section.

Best Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods

Following mentioned are some of the best Food for Irregular Periods that can be termed as the Irregular Periods Treatment for Unmarried or married both.


Turmeric is one of the best medicated herbs which is quite warming as well. It is helpful in regulating menstruation and balancing hormones. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric also relieve from menstrual pain.


Green, unripe papaya is useful in regulating menstrual flow as it helps to contract muscle fibers in the uterus. Thus, it is recommended to consume unripe papaya juice regularly for a few months but do not drink it during your periods.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera helps to treat menstrual irregularities naturally by regulating hormones. To get the best results, extract fresh Aloe Vera gel from an aloe leaf, mix in one teaspoon of honey and consume it daily before having your breakfast. But make sure to not try this remedy while having period.


Ginger is highly recommended for regulating menstrual cycles and getting rid of irregular periods and also in relieving cramps. Boil 1 tbsp. of fresh ginger for 5 minutes. Add little sugar and drink the mixture three times a day after your meals.


Cumin is loaded with a number of health benefits. Soaked cumin can be used in the treatment of irregular period. Take 2 spoons of cumin seeds and soak in water over night and drink both in the morning. You need to drink this water every day to get your periods regularized.


Cinnamon not only helps enhancing taste of your dishes but significantly contributes in regulating your menstrual cycle too. It provides a warming effect within your body. Take a glass full of warm milk and add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and drink it. It is even effective in eradicating menstrual cramps.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Disturbed insulin and blood sugar levels could well be the reason for irregular periods. So to regularize your system, all you need to do is mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and drink it with a glass of water every day before your meals. This will help you regularize your menstrual cycle effectively.


Buttermilk helps in hormone secretion, thus regulating the irregular menstrual cycle. Buttermilk is also a rich source of vitamin B complex, potassium, proteins and calcium.


One of the simplest and effective ways to get rid of irregular periods is to include carrots in your diet. You can always have a carrot in the form of juice, soup or salad.

Parsley Juice

To improve your menstrual cycle, drink parsley juice as it is considered to be extremely effective. Crush some parsley, add it to the blender and mix it with some water and you are good to go.

So, here ends the section for Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods. Let’s move to the next section which deals with the best Treatment for Irregular Periods.

Myolife Plus | Best Treatment for Irregular Periods

While lifestyle and dietary changes can be helpful in some situations, medical help is indicated in others. One of the best treatment option available in India for Irregular Periods is Myolife Plus.

Marketed by Aldan Healthcare, one of the Top Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Companies In India both products are really helpful for women with ovulatory dysfunction facing difficulty in getting pregnant.

This is also considered useful for the Disrupted Folliculogenesis Treatment, Endometrial Cancer Treatment, Irregular Cycle Treatment and PCOS/PCOD treatment, etc.

Composition of Myolife Plus include:

  • Myo-Inositol 1000mg

  • D-Chiro-Inositol 25mg

  • Melatonin 1.5mg

  • L-Methyl Folate 1mg


One tablet BID to ensure normal ovarian function.


Available in Alu-Alu strip of 10 tablets.

Note: one should use this product only after consulting the doctor. And to more about this product visit Aldan Healthcare’s website.

So, here ends the blog for Foods to Prevent Irregular Periods. We hope you enjoyed reading this blog.

Till Then, Stay Tuned, as we will be back with more such beneficial blogs…………………

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