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Is Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disease ( Causes of Vitiligo)

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

There are lots of skin disorders the reasons behind them are unidentified, one such question befalls is Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disease?

People are suffering from several skin disorders, one of which is vitiligo.

So, here in this blog, we will talk about all the aspects related to vitiligo.

Is Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disease

There are many reasons behind the cause of vitiligo, the severe one is the immunity system.

Hence, melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) provide the color to skin whether the skin is dark or light it depends upon it.

Due to various reasons, melanin production slows down and causes white patches on the skin.

Hence, with time the patches surge all over the skin.

Discussing vitiligo let’s also cognize the causes behind it.

Causes of Vitiligo

Vitiligo occurs mainly when the pigment-producing cells tend to die.

As the reason behind this disorder is unclear but some of the related causes are:

  • Family Hereditary

  • Disarray in the immune system

  • Any aroused event (stress, skin trauma, etc.)

Moving on, the cure for vitiligo is not found yet.

But, one of the finest Dermatology Product Manufacturers in India Aldan Healthcare comes up with the best vitiligo treatment cream in India Aldan Melacyn Gel.

Hence, you can also look at some of the vitiligo initial stage pictures.

Moving on, people also ponder if vitiligo is hereditary, read below to know the same…

Is Vitiligo Hereditary

Vitiligo sometimes runs in families, the main factor behind it is the interaction between genes.

However, we can’t predict that there is a 100 % chance of developing vitiligo if anyone in the family has it.

Hence, according to research 25 to 50 % of people develop vitiligo due to their family members.

Moving further, we have also been cognized of the very serious pandemic coronavirus.

However, we all have suffered a lot through it, but people with vitiligo are always petrified if they are more likely to get covid.

Let’s acknowledge the term…

Note: This skin disorder goes severe with time, and people with these kinds of disorders are always dejected thinking that this disorder is incurable.

But, Aldan Healthcare one of the top dermatology pharmaceutical companies in India provides you the best cream for the treatment of vitiligo.

Okay, now…moving ahead…. let’s discuss the above-stated term…

Vitiligo and Coronavirus

We have heard many people asking whether individuals with vitiligo are at higher risk of Coronavirus.

As we know the strength of the immune system collapses during vitiligo.

And, the main function of the immune system is to protect us from any serious infections.

However, having vitiligo doesn’t mean your immune system is very weak and it will not protect you from coronavirus and any other serious viruses.

Many patients with vitiligo have encountered

Coronavirus and many without it have suffered a lot.

Now, you are probably aware of the fact that vitiligo is not straightaway related to Covid.

Let’s cut to the chase and know if vitiligo and thyroid are related or not.

Vitiligo and Thyroid

You must be wondering vitiligo and thyroid are connected or not.

The answer is yes, they are somewhere related to each other..., How? Know below….

Vitiligo develops an antibody to fight the melanocytes.

However, it also starts to develop a specific disease which is thyroid autoimmune disease.

Here, the same antibody attacks the thyroid gland, so, people with vitiligo may get thyroid too.

Moving on, to know is vitiligo an autoimmune disease or not, one should also know about the treatment and how to prevent it.

How to Prevent Vitiligo

You can’t escape from vitiligo but you should go for some treatments like…

Apply sunscreen before exposing to the sun

  • Eat papaya daily

  • Drink water from a copper bowl

Hence, these were some preventive remedies let’s discuss one of the best treatments of vitiligo…

Melacyn (Best Vitiligo Treatment)

Melacyn being the vitiligo best cream in India developed by one of the chief Dermatology Product Manufacturers in India Aldan Healthcare.

It is a plant-based natural cream enriched with nigella saliva extract that helps to remove the white patches on the skin.

Also, it is paraben-free and has no side effects.

So, if you are the one suffering from the trauma of physical appearance, undoubtedly go for this cream.

Now, you must get your answer to Is Vitiligo an Autoimmune Disease or not?

However, if any queries persisting kindly tell us in the comment section below.

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